Minimum password length of eight characters. 口令的最短长度为8个字符。
A password policy should include security measures, such as account lockout after failed password attempts, minimum password length or "strength," password aging, and password history. 口令策略应该包括安全措施,例如口令尝试失败后进行口令锁定、最短口令长度或“强度”、口令老化和口令历史记录。
Warning: changing the minimum password length will not affect existing passwords; it will only affect password creation when users are changing their passwords or creating new passwords. 警告:改变最小密码长度对已有的密码无效。它只对用户改变密码或创建新密码时有影响。
Enabling complexity requirements requires a minimum password length of 6 characters. 启用复杂性要求密码长度至少6个字符。
Is the minimum password length on the target domain, shorter usernames will have their passwords set to a created value. 是目标域上的最短密码长度,名称更短的用户名的密码将被设置为一个创建的值。